tirsdag 28. februar 2017

Hannibal Review

Does this show satisfy or leave you hungry for more?
The show Hannibal is based off the characters in the book Red Dragon, a movie that is also made from the characters is the famous movie Silence of the Lambs. This series only includes Hannibal Lector although the because it is based off what happened before the story of The Red Dragon, this permitted the writers a fresh start in terms of creating a setting that create a best possible world to create a Hannibal story. In Hannibal tradition, the story is told by someone who is manipulated by Hannibal, but because of Hannibal being free one is clearly able to see the full extent of Hannibal’s power. I personally find it horrifying how powerful and rational Hannibal can be at times, all the way until the third season where I feel the series fell a bit short on this department, although few other TV seasons have ever created such an unnerving feeling.
The show Hannibal has plenty of beautiful and disturbing imagery that put me in a very uncomfortable place. The underlying themes follow artistic, philosophical, cultural and theological themes. These are very complex and deep ideas that even if sometimes irrational I can respect to a certain point. An example of a dark bit of imagery is the black stag. The stag is a sign of the hunt in many cultures, and the blackness of it symbolizes the corruption of this ritual that was meant for respect and acted through necessity.

If I were to summarize my review of the story and all the things that I complemented I would give Hannibal a B for its writing and characters but it falls short of perfect because of a single incident of Deus Ex Machina and the fall of the mystery of Hannibal.

tirsdag 31. januar 2017

Selv Vurdering av Infografikk Oppgaven

Egen Vurdering av Infografikk

I planleggingsfasen av Infografikk så bestemte vi å ha en manus som skulle involverer alle de viktigste tingene i vår tids epoke av 1660-1814. Under hele prosessen så var vi enige om at vi alle skulle ha vår egen del og alle av oss skulle være våre egne regissører og unngå krangel, med dette i tankene begynte vi på manus. Alle skrev sine egne manus og ble enige om hvem som skulle fokusere på hvilken oppgaver. Eric skrev mest, Tim jobbet mest med utstyr og Jeg redigerte mest, men vi gjorde utvilsomt alt med hverandre. Personlig så er jeg fornøyd med resultatet og jeg tror at sammen fikk vi til mer enn det jeg skulle tro at vi kunne. Hvis jeg kunne gi meg selv en karakter så hadde gitt 5, men jeg er jo ikke lærer og jeg er usikker på hvilke standarder som blitt satt på en i VG.1 medier og Kommunikasjon. Ihvertfall fikk jeg selv lært mye av dette og jeg føler at jeg kommer til å kunne gjøre mye mer fremover. 

fredag 13. januar 2017

Pop Art Concepts

Bubbly Gums
Based on the pinkish colors from bubble gum with a nice blue to complement them
The image and the color choice is made to represent a numbness in the Über-Happy world. 

Screechy Clean
A image made to represent the philosophical stance of a teenager.
The darkness on the green represents the darkness in our lives, the red umbrella represents anger used to block it out. Take a moment and think about what the other colors and images symbolize in the picture.   

The Dirty Clown
The image hopefully speaks for itself